Hi! I'm Janis and I am a retired elementary music teacher. But this blog is not about music and it is not about children. This is a blog about cats — feral cats.

The story begins with my first post—Cassie!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Relocation Plan — Herding Cats!

October 2016

Let's see . . . Where were we? Oh, yeah, that's right. My daughter and her family moved to Nashville from Chicago and . . . they moved in with us. Temporarily. Which meant, a little over a year. Because they loved the school that Jordan was zoned for, they began looking for a house in the area. Yay for us, right?

Well, they couldn't find exactly what they wanted. So we offered to sell them our house. It seemed to have everything they needed and we need a house with bedrooms on the same level. Great idea! They accepted the offer and at the beginning of October, we moved.

Across the street. Yep. Got to stay close to those grandkids! And when the house across the street became available, we jumped at the chance! WooHoo!

Uh, oh! Now what do we do about our cats? About Kitty City? And, no, my daughter and son-in-law had no intentions of continuing their care. So I did what anybody would do–I Googled "How to relocate feral cats." Ha! Lots of information. The first thing that every site said was—DON'T!! It's too hard and the cats will not acclimate to new surroundings. They would leave and try to find their way back "home." And my little ones have known nothing other than our backyard. They've never had to fend for themselves. They've always had a warm place to sleep in the winter and food and water all year. Oh, my! I can't just leave them!

So I didn't!! LOL Trapping cats, once again. We had this great plan. My daughter and her family left for a week in Florida while we made the move. Everything went very well until . . . Hurricane Matthew! Florida evacuated the east coast and they came home 3 days earlier than planned. Yikes!! Still got cats to catch, specifically, SILVER!!

Not a problem. Bought a live trap, loaded it with chicken, and voila! Got her! Called the vet and set an appointment to take her to get shots, check-up, and de-flea-ed. Unfortunately, Belle had brought fleas into the house and they jumped right onto Silver, who we can't treat. She even had to be sedated before they could give her shots and check her. I get this phone call from the vet asking if it's OK for them to put a flea collar on her. It's great, they say, lasts for 8 months! Well, I say, That's wonderful. Except this is the first time she's been caught in 8 years. What makes you think I can catch her 8 months from now?!? LOL They laugh and put on a $60 collar!

So the indoor cats are transported safe and sound to their new home. Silver has found a bed to hide under so she's good. Belle is happy anywhere. All is well.

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