Hi! I'm Janis and I am a retired elementary music teacher. But this blog is not about music and it is not about children. This is a blog about cats — feral cats.

The story begins with my first post—Cassie!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Out of Here!

August 2016

Five weeks ago, Silver decided once again that she need a vacation. I know it's been a while since I've written, but you might remember that Silver is not very bright. We love her, she loves us, but we've never touched her. She is very feral but has lived in our house for maybe 8-9 years? I can't remember. She has run away 2 times for about 3 weeks each time.

However, this time, it was understandable because our daughter and family have moved in with us and the noise and activity levels have increased considerably.

There's nothing like the sound of little 2-year-old and 5-year-old feet running around to scare an already scared cat to seek another space. She seemed to be OK for the first four weeks, but when Daddy came with a truckload of furniture, his parents, and then Don and I left for the weekend so they could get settled in and the other grandparents could visit, Silver decided that was just TOO MUCH! She bolted out the first open door.

This time I really didn't think we would ever see her again. Then tonight, Don called my cell and said, "Come outside to the street, quick! I just saw Silver." He was driving home and had seen her run under a car parked on the street. I ran down the street (well, sort of walked quickly), and started calling her. To my shock, she started running down the street following me home. I "ran" back in the house, fixed a plate of food, and opened the garage door. And kept calling her.

In her extremely cautious way, she took her time but finally crept slowly into the garage. I had set the plate of food inside the kitchen door and I was standing behind the door where I could see through the crack. She crept into the kitchen, I slammed the door, and she shot upstairs to her hiding spot under our bed.

The door is closed and I am so glad to have her home. I cannot imagine where she's been for the past five weeks. Last week it was rainy and cold. Now, I hope she will adjust to the kids because she's in the safest, warmest, and most secure place she could ever possibly be!

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